1.2.5 (Spooky Mod)

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  • Buffed Spider Stabber's damage from 18 to 25 and use time from 18 to 12.
  • Spider Stabber now requires 15 Spider Chitin in its recipe instead of 25.
  • Strange Spider Egg now requires 10 Spider Chitin in its recipe instead of 5.
  • Spi-Ops Bodyplate now requires 75 Spider Web Blocks in its recipe instead of 50.
  • Spi-Ops Leggings now requires 60 Spider Web Blocks and 25 Spider Chitin in its recipe instead of 25 Silk and 22 Spider Chitin.
  • Nerfed Gore Staff's damage from 40 to 32.
  • Nerfed Tumor Throw's damage from 35 to 25.
  • Tumor Throw orbs now deal half the damage of the yoyo itself.
  • Tumor Throw now creates orbs over time instead of spawning a set amount all at once.
  • Buffed Flesh Mincer's knockback from 6 to 7.
  • Buffed Living Flesh Mincer's use time from 40 to 25 and nerfed knockback from 9 to 7.
  • Flesh Mincer and Living Flesh Mincer now have custom swing animations.
  • Nerfed Seer's damage from 30 to 22 and buffed its use speed from 35 to 25.
  • Nerfed Retina Staff's damage from 22 to 15.
  • Nerfed Eye Lasher's damage from 35 to 25.
  • Nerfed Avian's Crux's damage from 150 to 110.
  • Nerfed Necronomicon Volume II's damage from 100 to 80, but buffed the heart's shoot frequency increase it gains when it gets bigger.
  • Buffed Bubble Belcher's damage from 40 to 50.
  • Nerfed Uncanine's damage from 30 to 25 and it can now only fire 3 teeth per shot.
  • Nerfed the amount of health and mana healed by the Soul Sucker.
  • Lowered the overall drop chances for all of the Egg Incursion accessories.
  • Egg Incursion accessories can now be cycled through by shimmering.
  • Total Organ Package now requires 50 Living Arteries in its recipe.
  • Increased Old Wood Arrow's velocity to 3.5.
  • Lowered the volume on the Flower armor flower pot running sound.
  • Living Flesh armor's whip range bonus has been nerfed from 20% to 10%, and moved from the Living Flesh Chestmail to the armor's set bonus.
  • Replaced Big Bone's greek fire spam attack with bouncing big bones.
  • Nerfed Noseferatu's damage from 45 to 40.
  • Noseferatu's oribiting snot balls will now launch towards the player unaffected by gravity until they either collide with a tile or 2 seconds have passed.
  • Nerfed Rarg's, Blueford's, and Greeny's defense from 15 to 10.
  • Happy Ghosts can no longer go through blocks.
  • Diva Dahlia is no longer immune to knockback.
  • Skeleton Bouncers are now immune to lava.
  • Flesh Bolster now has a proper bestiary display texture.
  • Flesh Bolster no longer buffs Ear Worms.
  • Flesh Bolster's eyes will no longer attach to an enemy to buff them, instead they now attach a power beam to the enemy they are currently buffing.
  • Goo Slugs can no longer eat the player if they are falling down.
  • Fuzz Bats no longer spawn in the Spooky Forest surface at night and are now exclusive to the underground spooky forest.
  • Resprited Snotty Schnoz Cooldown.
  • Renamed Fuzz Bat Wing to Ball of Fuzz and resprited it.
  • Nosferatu's arena now has an actual nose shrine and floating nose idol in it.
  • Spooky mod biomes with chests in them now have their respective biome torches as part of their loot pools.
  • All spooky mod UI (except for little eyes quest UI) are now draggable, and the config option previously called "draggable bloom buff UI" is now called "draggable spooky mod UI" and applies to all draggable spooky mod UIs.
  • Broken EMF Reader can no longer be crafted.


  • Fixed Rarg not shooting fist projectiles at all in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Puff of Pollen dropping Solar Sunflower Seeds if Watering Gourd bloom buff is active.
  • Fixed multiple spooky mod accessories with on hit effects working on critters and target dummies.
  • Fixed an issue where eye valley enemies could spawn inside of the nose temple if its made out of red bricks.
  • Fixed nose temple rooms sometimes respawning enemies after defeating them in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Old Wood Arrow's hitbox being way too big.
  • Fixed blooms being placeable on platforms.
  • Fixed Egg Incursion boss checklist texture being way too big.
  • Fixed Little Eye not giving the Suspicious Looking Brownie as a rare quest reward.
  • Fixed Bigger Eye's eye rune bolts not dealing damage to the player.
  • Fixed some Lower Catacombs enemies not dropping Plant Chunks.
  • Fixed giant hanging roots only dropping one root block when broken in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a crash during world generation when used with Remnants mod.
  • Fixed Molar Mauler being unable to receive melee item reforges.
  • Fixed Skeleton Bouncers taking extremely high damage when hit.
  • Fixed Stinky Slinger's projectiles not creating flies on enemy hits.
  • Fixed Flower Shot's thorn mark not increasing the damage of the regular projectiles.
  • Fixed raveyard music box playing incorrect theme.
  • Swampy Cemetery generation now clears out water to prevent the biome from being flooded.
  • All bloom buffs are now properly removed off the playerupon death.
  • Attempted to fix issues with holdout projectiles behaving incorrectly in multiplayer.
  • Attempted to fix issue where projectiles mod that follow the cursor would follow other player's cursors on their individual clients in multiplayer.


  • Removed Raveyard Vinyl #1.