Modifiers (Secrets Of The Shadows)

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A Modifier, also known as a Prefix, applies permanent changes to an item's statistics. It changes the name of an item by adding a prefix to the item's name. Secrets Of The Shadows adds several weapon and accessory modifiers to benefit the Void mechanic.

Added Modifier

Void Weapon

Modifier Damage Speed Critical strike chance Knockback Void cost Tier Value
Famished -10% - - -10% +25% -2 -46.85%
Precarious +10% +5% - +10% +20% +2 +71.25%
Potent +5% +5% - - -10% +1 +39.16%
Omnipotent +15% +10% +5% +15% -10% +2 +244.57%
Chthonic +24% -6% - -6% +10% +1 +34.88%


Effect Modifier Change Tier Value
Max Void Awakened +10 +2 +56.25%
Omniscient +20 +2 +125.00%
Void gain Chained +1 +2 +69.00%
Soulbound +2 +2 +156.00%

See also

Template:Secrets Of The Shadows/Navbox mechanics