Ornament Rune (Orchid Mod)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Orchid Mod for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.
Ornament Rune
  • Ornament Rune item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage95 (Opposing)
Knockback3 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons a circle of ornaments
RarityRarity level: 8

The Ornament Rune is a Hardmode rune that is dropper from Everscreams in the Frost Moon. It consumes 3 Slams to spawn 16 ornament projectiles of Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, which orbit the play in a circle, damaging enemies that come into contact with them. They orbit and spin around the player. The christmas sparkles last for 40 seconds.

The Ornament Rune cannot be reforged, and therefore cannot have modifiers.