Orichalcum Greathelm (Orchid Mod)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Orchid Mod for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.
Orichalcum Greathelm
  • Orichalcum Greathelm item sprite
  • Orichalcum Greathelm equipped
  • Orchid Mod equipped female
Stack digit 1.png
Set BonusFlower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip18% increased opposing damage and 7% increased movement speed
+1 guard and slam charges
Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
RarityRarity level: 4

The Orichalcum Greathelm is a craftable Hardmode Guardian armor piece. It is equipped in the helmet slot, and serves as an alternative helmet for Orichalcum armor, and provides a set bonus when equipping a full set.

A full set of Orichalcum armor with the Orichalcum Greathelm provides the following bonuses:

Equipping a full set provides the common effect across all Orichalcum helmets: whenever the player strikes an enemy, a flower petal will be fired from the edge of the screen to damage the enemy that triggered it.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Orchid Mod/Orichalcum GreathelmOrichalcum GreathelmMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
total: 1 row(s)