Gud Knight Helmet (Orchid Mod)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Orchid Mod for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.
Gud Knight Helmet
  • Gud Knight Helmet item sprite
  • Gud Knight Helmet equipped
  • Orchid Mod equipped female
Stack digit 1.png
Set BonusBlocks or parries increases movement speed by 30%
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip+1 guard and slam charges
Can be paired with ore armor
Enemies are more likely to target you
Grants BuffOrchid Mod/Got GudGot Gud
Buff duration10 seconds
Buff tooltip30% increased movement speed
RarityRarity level: 2
Buy / Sell10 / 2

The Gud Knight Helmet is a Guardian armor piece that can be purchased from the Skeleton Merchant. It is equipped in the helmet slot, providing an additional guard and slam charge and 250 additional aggro.

The Gud Knight Helmet can be paired with any earlygame ore armor (Copper to Platinum armor). Equipping a full set will increase the player's movement speed by 30% whenever they block or parry with a pavise or gauntlet, indicated with the Got Gud buff.
