Guardian (Orchid Mod)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Orchid Mod for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.

The Guardian is a new class added in the Orchid Mod. The Guardian class' weapons generate two separate resources, blocks and slams, which are then used to block enemies and inflict opposing damage onto them.

The Guardian is fully developed for a vanilla Terraria playthrough, with content available throughout the game.


Opposing Damage

The Guardian's weapons hit with a specific damage type called opposing damage. Accessories and armor can be used to augment opposing damage output, and generic 'damage' buffs still increase the Guardian's damage.


The Guardian class is centered around two resources: guard charges and slam charges. Various guardian items may consume or restore these charges, requiring the use of different item types to best manage the resources. By default, the player can have a maximum of 3 guard and slam charges, but can increase their capacity with certain equipment.

Guard Charges

Guard charges are one of the two primary resources the Guardian class is centered around. Indicated as shield icons below the player while holding a Guardian weapon, they are consumed to avoid damage from enemies and projectiles when blocking with a pavise or parrying with a gauntlet. Guard charges slowly generates over time, but may also be restored through the use of certain guardian items, such as attacking with certain warhammers or activating standards.

It takes 10 seconds for a guard charge to recharge by default, but can be decreased with certain equipment.

Slam Charges

Slam charges are one of the two primary resources the Guardian class is centered around. Indicated as sword icons below the player while holding a Guardian weapon, they are consumed by various opposing weapons to deal large bursts of damage, including slamming with pavises, enhancing gauntlet punches, or activating runes.

Slam charges slowly generates over time, but may also be restored through the use of certain guardian items, such as blocking with pavises, parrying with gauntlets, attacking with certain warhammers, or activating standards. It takes 10 seconds for a slam charge to recharge by default, but can be decreased with certain equipment.

Item Types


Pavises are the main type of opposing weapon available to the Guardian class.

When held, pavises can be freely rotated around the player, but upon right-clicking will materialize and be locked in place until the weapon's use time has completed. In this state, the pavise is able to physically block and push enemies, as well as destroy hostile projectiles. Enemies blocked by pavises will be unable to damage the player for a period of time, based on the duration of the block.

The right-click block requires and consumes 1 guard charge on use. Blocking at least one enemy or projectile will restore 1 slam charge, and certain pavises may trigger additional effects upon blocking. Right-clicking while a pavise is active will cancel the block.

Left-clicking will consume 1 slam charge to launch the pavise a short distance in the direction of the cursor dealing damage to enemies that come into contact with the pavise. Additionally, certain pavises may trigger additional effects upon slamming.

Each pavise's block duration, distance to the player, and slam distance are dependant on the type of pavise.

The slam distance can be increased with melee speed bonuses.

The best modifier for pavises is Empyrean.


Warhammers are a type of opposing weapon available to the Guardian class.

When used, warhammers are thrown in the direction of the cursor before returning to the player. By holding down the attack button, the distance and damage of the thrown warhammer will increase. Successfully hitting an enemy with a fully-charged warhammer throw will restore guard and/or slam charges, depending on the warhammer.

Right-clicking while charging a warhammer throw will pause charging to swing the warhammer; hitting an enemy with the swing deals less damage, but will provide a bonus charge worth 0.5 seconds to the throw.

Charge time can be decreased with melee speed bonuses.

The best modifier for warhammers is Legendary.


Runes are a type of opposing weapon available to the Guardian class. Runes require slam charges to use, creating lingering projectiles or other effects around the player for a period of time.

Holding left-click will charge the rune; charging will gradually reduce the amount of slam charges consumed on use, with it not consuming any charges upon reaching 66% charge. Additionally, fully charging the rune charge will reinforce and empower its effect. Re-using a rune that is already active will provide charge time based on its remaining effect time.

Charge time can be decreased with melee speed bonuses.

The best modifier for runes is Godly.


Gauntlets are a type of opposing weapon available to the Guardian class. They act similarly to pavises, but are more offensive in comparison.

Right-clicking with a gauntlet will cause the player to briefly parry attacks from enemies. Successful parries will restore 1 slam charge, and may trigger additional effects based on the specific gauntlet.

Left-clicking will punch in the cursor's direction. Holding left-click will charge the punch, increasing the damage and distance of the punch. If the player has at least one slam charge available and the punch was not fully-charged, the slam charge will be consumed to fully charge the punch.

Charge time can be decreased with melee speed bonuses.

The two gauntlets the player holds can be independently controlled, allowing any combination of parrying, charging, and punching between the two arms.

The best modifier for gauntlets is Empyrean.


Standards are a type of tool that provides supportive effects to the player and their nearby allies, as well as additional bonuses for the Guardian class.

Holding left-click will charge the standard; once fully-charged, the standard will provide some effect depending on the type of standard used, from positive effects for the user and their allies, or negative effects for nearby enemies. Additionally, they will restore guard or slam charges for the user.

Charge time can be decreased with melee speed bonuses.

An active standard can be charged again to reinforce the standard, providing bonus effects for the user only.

When active, standards will be flown over the player's back.


  • Accessory Source Effect Hardmode Visible on
    Orchid Mod/Badge of Battles PastBadge of Battles Past Angry Bones Opposing damage continuously increases while blocking with a pavise.
    Orchid Mod/Colossal Worm ToothColossal Worm Tooth Devourer Players affected by your standards gain 5% increased damage.
    Orchid Mod/Goblin Shield SpikeGoblin Shield Spike Goblin Warrior Deals 100% of your defense as damage to blocked enemies.
    Orchid Mod/Golem Shield SpikeGolem Shield Spike Spouting Shield Spike + Destroyer Emblem@  Tinkerer's Workshop)
    Mechanical Shield Spike + Eye of the Golem@  Tinkerer's Workshop)
    Deals 300% of your defense as damage to blocked enemies. Increases opposing damage and critical strike chance by 15% after blocking a projectile. 10% increased opposing damage and critical strike chance.
    Orchid Mod/Guardian EmblemGuardian Emblem Shaman Emblem@  Shimmer)
    • Wall of Flesh
    • Treasure Bag (Wall of Flesh)
    15% increased opposing damage.
    Orchid Mod/Guide to Shield BouncingGuide to Shield Bouncing Guide to Shield Surfing + 25 Pink Gel@  Work Bench) Allows bouncing by blocking the ground.
    Orchid Mod/Guide to Shield SurfingGuide to Shield Surfing
    • Chest
    • Wooden Crate
    • Pearlwood Crate
    Allows cancelling fall damage by blocking the ground.
    Orchid Mod/Mechanical Shield SpikeMechanical Shield Spike Spouting Shield Spike + Avenger Emblem@  Tinkerer's Workshop) Deals 250% of your defense as damage to blocked enemies. Increases opposing damage by 15% after blocking a projectile. 12% increased opposing damage.
    Orchid Mod/Spouting Shield SpikeSpouting Shield Spike Goblin Shield Spike + Tyche Relic@  Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil) Deals 150% of your defense as damage to blocked enemies. Releases a water bolt when blocking a projectile.
    Orchid Mod/Terrifying Monster FangTerrifying Monster Fang Face Monster Players affected by your standards gain life regeneration.
  • Armor

    Armor sets

  • Appearance Set Head Chest Legs Sum Bonuses / Effects / Notes Cost / Source / Crafted At
    Bamboo armor (Orchid Mod).png Bamboo armor female (Orchid Mod).png Bamboo armor 2 3 2 7
    • +1 guard charge
    • +20% guardian charge generation
    • Enemies are more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus: Taking damage grants a guard charge
    Meteor Warden armor (Orchid Mod).png Meteor Warden armor female (Orchid Mod).png Meteor Warden armor 9 10 9 28
    • +10% opposing damage
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +10% melee speed
    • +10% movement speed
    • Enemies are more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus: Blocks or parries have a 50% chance to give an additional slam charge
    Empress armor (Orchid Mod).png Empress armor female (Orchid Mod).png Empress armor 24 Chestguard: 25
    Chestplate: 36
    19 Chestguard: 68
    Chestplate: 79
    • +12% opposing damage
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +10% melee speed
    • +15% movement speed
    • Enemies are more likely to target you
    • Chestguard: +13% opposing damage, +15% guardian charge generation, +2 slam charges, enemies are more likely to target you
      • Set Bonus: Greatly increases the amount of rune projectiles. Guardian runes will last 50% longer
    • Chestplate: +8% opposing damage, +2 guard charges, enemies are more likely to target you
      • Set Bonus: Reduces damage taken by 30% while holding a pavise or gauntlets. Enemies are drastically more likely to target you
    Horizon armor (Orchid Mod).png Horizon armor female (Orchid Mod).png Horizon armor 28 38 24 90
    • +30% opposing damage
    • +25% opposing critical strike chance
    • +3 guard charge
    • +3 slam charge
    • +25% melee speed
    • +30% damage reduction
    • +100 maximum life
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus: While above 50% life, consumes it instead of guardian charges
  • Single pieces

  • Appearance Item Body Slot Defense Bonuses / Effects / Notes Cost / Source / Crafted At
    Gud Knight Helmet (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Gud Knight Helmet (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Gud Knight Helmet Head 8
    (11–19 total)
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • Enemies are more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with ore armor): Blocks or parries increases movement speed by 30%

    Skeleton Merchant
    Sold by the Skeleton Merchant for 10

    Cobalt Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Cobalt Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Cobalt Greathelm Head 16
    (34 total)
    • +3% damage
    • +10% opposing damage (+13% total)
    • +5% critical strike chance
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +20% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Cobalt armor): Increases guardian charges generation by 15%
    Palladium Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Palladium Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Palladium Greathelm Head 16
    (34 total)
    • +5% damage
    • +16% opposing damage (+21% total)
    • +3% critical strike chance
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Palladium armor): Greatly increases life regeneration after striking an enemy
    Mythril Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Mythril Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Mythril Greathelm Head 18
    (39 total)
    • +7% damage
    • +11% opposing damage (+18% total)
    • +10% critical strike chance
    • +10% opposing critical strike chance (+20% total)
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Mythril armor): 10% increased opposing critical strike chance
    Orichalcum Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Orichalcum Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Orichalcum Greathelm Head 21
    (44 total)
    • +8% damage
    • +18% opposing damage (+26% total)
    • +6% critical strike chance
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +18% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Orichalcum armor): Flower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
    Adamantite Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Adamantite Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Adamantite Greathelm Head 24
    (52 total)
    • +8% damage
    • +12% opposing damage (+20% total)
    • +7% critical strike chance
    • +12% opposing critical strike chance (+19% total)
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +5% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Adamantite armor): Increases guardian charges generation by 20%
    • Set Effect: Pulsating outline of player
    Titanium Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Titanium Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Titanium Greathelm Head 25
    (51 total)
    • +7% damage
    • +15% opposing damage (+22% total)
    • +6% critical strike chance
    • +8% opposing critical strike chance (+14% total)
    • +1 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +6% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Titanium armor): Attacking generates a defensive barrier of titanium shards
    Hallowed Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Hallowed Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Hallowed Greathelm Head 26
    (52 total)
    • +7% damage
    • +12% opposing damage (+19% total)
    • +7% critical strike chance
    • +8% opposing critical strike chance (+15% total)
    • +2 guard charge
    • +1 slam charge
    • +8% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Hallowed armor): Become immune after striking an enemy
    • Set Effect: After-image and pulsating effect
    Chlorophyte Greathelm (equipped) (Orchid Mod).png Chlorophyte Greathelm (equipped) female (Orchid Mod).png Chlorophyte Greathelm Head 24
    (55 total)
    • +5% damage
    • +16% opposing damage (+21% total)
    • +15% critical strike chance
    • +1 guard charge
    • +2 slam charge
    • +5% movement speed
    • Enemies are a lot more likely to target you
    • Set Bonus (with Chlorophyte armor): Summons a powerful leaf crystal to shoot at nearby enemies
  • Buffs

  • Icon Name Source Effect Tooltip Duration
    Battle Ready (Orchid Mod).png Battle Ready Orchid Mod/Spinning DummySpinning Dummy Increases maximum slam charges by 1. Increases maximum slam charges Infinite
    Crusader Strikes (Orchid Mod).png Crusader Strikes Orchid Mod/Tyr's HandTyr's Hand Causes the following punches to fires light spark projectiles. Releases sparks of light when punching 10 seconds
    Got Gud (Orchid Mod).png Got Gud Orchid Mod/Gud Knight HelmetGud Knight Helmet Increases movement speed by 30%. 30% increased movement speed 10 seconds
    Guardian Spike Buff (Orchid Mod).png Guardian Spike Buff Orchid Mod/Mechanical Shield SpikeMechanical Shield Spike
    Orchid Mod/Golem Shield SpikeGolem Shield Spike
    Increases opposing damage by 15%. 15% increased opposing damage 10 seconds
    Feral Frenzy (Orchid Mod).png Feral Frenzy Orchid Mod/Grass KnucklesGrass Knuckles Increases melee speed by 100%. 100% increased melee speed 2 seconds
    Rocket Punch (Orchid Mod).png Rocket Punch Orchid Mod/Iron FistIron Fist Launches the player in the cursor's direction. Punch to propel yourself! 1 second
    Rune Mastery (Orchid Mod).png Rune Mastery Orchid Mod/Runic PotionRunic Potion Increases rune effect projectiles by 1. Increased number of guardian rune projectiles 8 minutes
    Sweetguard (Orchid Mod).png Sweetguard Orchid Mod/Sweetguard PotionSweetguard Potion Recovers 1% max life on pavise block or parry. Recovers 1% health on block or parry 6 minutes
    Toxic Punches (Orchid Mod).png Toxic Punches Orchid Mod/Touch of DeathTouch of Death Causes the following punches to fire a spider fang. Punches shoot toxic fangs 8 seconds
  • Items






    Hardmode Other
