Bijoungwall (Orchid Mod)

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1.4-Only Content.
1.4-Only Content: The content described on this page is only available for versions of Orchid Mod for 1.4.x versions of Terraria.
  • Bijoungwall item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage120 (Opposing)
Knockback6 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time28 (Average)
Tooltip'Only exists to please the eye'
RarityRarity level: 5
Buy / Sell50 / 10
Research1 required

The Bijoungwall is a Hardmode pavise that can be purchased from the Traveling Merchant while in Hardmode. In addition to its normal functionality, the slam attack will fire a Bijoublast that accelerates over a short period, damaging and piercing through multiple enemies.

The Bijoungwall has a base slam distance of 5.625 tiles, and block duration of 3.33 seconds.

Its best modifier is Empyrean.


  • This item's name and appearance are a reference to Terraria YouTuber Bijou.
    • The Guardian class's progression was commissioned by Bijou.