Virulent Plating (Lunar Veil)

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Virulent Plating
  • Virulent Plating item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipRadiating within the acid of entities of the tocins
RarityRarity level: 0
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Lunar Veil/Acid ProbeAcid Probe1-4100%
Lunar Veil/Acid SlimeAcid Slime1-4100%
Lunar Veil/Acid SpiritAcid Spirit1-4100%
Lunar Veil/Toxic BoulderToxic Boulder1-4100%
Lunar Veil/Toxic HornetToxic Hornet1-4100%
Lunar Veil/Irravheil SprayerIrravheil Sprayer1-533.33%
Lunar Veil/Irravheil LandwormIrravheil Landworm1-3100%
Lunar Veil/Irravheil SlimeIrravheil Slime1-550%
Lunar Veil/TulacroweTulacrowe1-15100%

Virulent Plating is a Pre-Hardmode Crafting material dropped by all Virulent and Green Sun event enemies. Virulent Plating is important for multiple early-game weapons, tools, armour and accessories; it is also useful to upgrade Verian Bars into Artisan Bars for paint items and the Heart of the Morrow and Fable which is used to complete a quest given by Merena.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Artisan BarArtisan Bar (2)Adamantite ForgeAdamantite Forge
Titanium ForgeTitanium Forge
Lunar Veil/Heart of The Morrow and FableHeart of The Morrow and FableBy Hand
Lunar Veil/Acidic HamacxeAcidic HamacxeIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Acidic LancherAcidic Lancher (300)
Lunar Veil/Acidic PixaxeAcidic Pixaxe
Lunar Veil/Irradiated Creeper StaffIrradiated Creeper Staff
Lunar Veil/Irradiated Great BladeIrradiated Great Blade
Lunar Veil/Irradieagle WrathIrradieagle Wrath
Lunar Veil/Poisoned AngelPoisoned Angel
Lunar Veil/Staff of the IrradiaflareStaff of the Irradiaflare
Lunar Veil/Unknown CircuitryUnknown Circuitry
Lunar Veil/Virulent ArmorVirulent Armor
Lunar Veil/Virulent HelmVirulent Helm
Lunar Veil/Virulent LegsVirulent Legs
total: 14 row(s)


  • Like multiple other crafting materials, this item has the ability to be swung despite not having a purpose.
  • This item has a spelling mistake within the description: ‘ tocins ’ instead of ‘ toxins ’.