Scrap of Cinder (Lunar Veil)

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Scrap of Cinder
  • Scrap of Cinder item sprite
TooltipCinder scrap
Burned to infinity
Used in plants
RarityRarity level: 0

The Scrap of Cinder is a Crafting material dropped by many enemies and bosses related to the Cinderspark, Govheil, and Fable. Scraps of Cinder can also be dropped from mining blocks in the Cinderspark. It is used in many fire-related items across progression including Arncharilite Bars.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
total: 0 row(s)

Used In

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Completed Flower BagCompleted Flower BagLunar Veil/Alcaology StationAlcaology Station
Lunar Veil/Arnchalite BarArnchalite BarFurnaceFurnace
Lunar Veil/Alcaology StationAlcaology StationIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Arnchar Manaspeeder (M61X)Arnchar Manaspeeder (M61X)
Lunar Veil/Arncharilite Energy ShotArncharilite Energy Shot
Lunar Veil/Arncharlite Heavy ClustergunArncharlite Heavy Clustergun
Lunar Veil/Arncharlite's Wrath SniperArncharlite's Wrath Sniper
Lunar Veil/Cindered LanternCindered Lantern
Lunar Veil/Metallian CardMetallian Card
Lunar Veil/Morrowed String n' BroochMorrowed String n' Brooch
Lunar Veil/Poisoned AngelPoisoned Angel
Lunar Veil/Burning CardBurning CardMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz BreastplateDucanblitz Breastplate
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz CapDucanblitz Cap
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz ThighsDucanblitz Thighs
Lunar Veil/Yuri FuryYuri Fury
Lunar Veil/Dirt PowderDirt PowderWork BenchWork Bench
total: 17 row(s)