Quest Leaf (Lunar Veil)

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Quest Leaf
  • Quest Leaf item sprite
TooltipGathered from doing quests from Merena, Sirestias, Gia and Zui!
Do some quests to gather more
Rarely can be obtained through gilded bags in Hardmode!

The Quest Leaf is a Crafting material obtained by doing quests for Merena, Sirestias, Gia and Zui.


Used In

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/AntacizAntacizIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/AuroranAuroran
Lunar Veil/Molted Crust BallsMolted Crust Balls
Lunar Veil/Pearlescent Ice BallsPearlescent Ice Balls
Lunar Veil/Plant HeritagePlant Heritage
Lunar Veil/Sap ContainerSap Container
Lunar Veil/Scorche CardScorche Card
Lunar Veil/Star Flower StaffStar Flower Staff
Lunar Veil/Starr CardStarr Card
Lunar Veil/TeracizTeraciz
Lunar Veil/Thorned Witch's BladeThorned Witch's Blade
Lunar Veil/ViolarViolar
Lunar Veil/WowgunWowgun
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/AlcanineAlcanineMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Celestias Wedding RingCelestias Wedding Ring
Lunar Veil/Daeden ChestplateDaeden Chestplate
Lunar Veil/Daeden LegsDaeden Legs
Lunar Veil/Daeden MaskDaeden Mask
Lunar Veil/Eldritchian CloakEldritchian Cloak
Lunar Veil/Eldritchian HoodEldritchian Hood
Lunar Veil/Eldritchian LegsEldritchian Legs
Lunar Veil/Flower HatFlower Hat
Lunar Veil/Flower PantsFlower Pants
Lunar Veil/Flower RobeFlower Robe
Lunar Veil/Garbage ChestplateGarbage Chestplate
Lunar Veil/Garbage MaskGarbage Mask
Lunar Veil/Garbage PantsGarbage Pants
Lunar Veil/Larvein SpearLarvein Spear (250)
Lunar Veil/Prismatic Cryadia BallsPrismatic Cryadia Balls
Lunar Veil/Sawtooth NecklaceSawtooth Necklace
Lunar Veil/Scrappy BodyScrappy Body
Lunar Veil/Scrappy HeadScrappy Head
Lunar Veil/Scrappy LegsScrappy Legs
Lunar Veil/Vampire CharmVampire Charm
Lunar Veil/Radiantspark BootsRadiantspark BootsTinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop
Lunar Veil/ShadeiShadei
Lunar Veil/StonenStonenWork BenchWork Bench
total: 40 row(s)