Jack (Lunar Veil)

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JackThe Wandering Flame
Jack Bestiary (Lunar Veil).png
Jack Map Icon (Lunar Veil).png
Map Icon
Damage32 (contact)
Max Life1100
KB Resist100%

A scarecrow reanimated by the passion of wandering flames, exploring out of the veil

Jack is a Pre-Hardmode Mini Boss fought in the Fable Biome. Jack drops many flame related items, allowing Arnchalite Bars to be made.


You spawn Jack at the Fable by using a Wandering Essence at the Jack Post Jack Post (Lunar Veil).png


Jack has two phases to his boss fight

First Phase - Jack jumps around doing various attacks

Second Phase - Jack flies around doing his same attacks much more rapidly with additional attacks

When Jack dies he frowns before comically exploding (rip the goat)


First Phase

Jack floats up and glows a yellow aura and shoots various flames above the player that loosely home onto the player Jack Fire (Lunar Veil).png

Jack throws a pumpkin bomb that explodes into 8 flaming darts Pumpkin Bomb (Lunar Veil).png Flaming Dart (Lunar Veil).png

Jack throws 3 moss balls at the player Moss Ball (Lunar Veil).png

Second Phase

Jack in between all these attacks also now shoots flaming darts Flaming Dart (Lunar Veil).png

Jack rains hay while quickly flying around above the player Falling Hay (Lunar Veil).png


Jack in Game


  • 1.3: Introduced.