Gintzl Metal (Lunar Veil)

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Gintzl Metal
  • Gintzl Metal item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipA metal stolen from Gothivia's castle, and has rotted and turned into gintze metal.
RarityRarity level: 1
SellNo Value
Research100 required
 Obtained from
Lunar Veil/GintzlingGintzling116.67%
Lunar Veil/Gintze WarriorGintze Warrior1-216.67%
Lunar Veil/Gintze SpearmanGintze Spearman1-216.67%
Lunar Veil/Gintze SoldierGintze Soldier1-216.67%
Lunar Veil/Gintze Wind RiderGintze Wind Rider1-216.67%
Lunar Veil/Gintze CaptainGintze Captain1-3100%
Lunar Veil/Natural WitchNatural Witch1-3100%
Lunar Veil/Commander GintziaCommander Gintzia3-25100%

Gintzl Metal is a Pre-Hardmode bar important for multiple recipes for weapons, armour and accessories throughout the mod.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Gintzl BodyGintzl BodyHeavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench
Lunar Veil/Gintzl HeadGintzl Head
Lunar Veil/Gintzl JavelinGintzl Javelin (15)
Lunar Veil/Gintzl LegsGintzl Legs
Lunar Veil/Gintzls SteedGintzls Steed
Lunar Veil/Shinobi TomeShinobi Tome
Lunar Veil/Charm of RotCharm of RotIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Gintze CardGintze Card
Lunar Veil/HeartspireHeartspire
Lunar Veil/Huntrian BootsHuntrian Boots
Lunar Veil/Huntrian ChestplateHuntrian Chestplate
Lunar Veil/Huntrian HelmetHuntrian Helmet
Lunar Veil/Comical TridentComical TridentMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Rune Of WindRune Of WindLunar Veil/Rune and Brooch Jewelry StationRune and Brooch Jewelry Station
Lunar Veil/Runic TableRunic Table
Lunar Veil/Skyrage ShasherSkyrage ShasherWork BenchWork Bench
total: 16 row(s)


  • Like multiple other crafting materials, this item has the ability to be swung despite not having a purpose.
  • It is possible for Natural Witches to drop Gintzl Metal, however it is impossible to kill them.