Frile Bar (Lunar Veil)

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Frile Bar
  • Frile Bar item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipFrozen to the core, an essense of the moon and ice.
RarityRarity level: 1
SellNo Value

Frile Bar is a Pre-Hardmode bar made with 5 Frile Ore at a Furnace used in multiple items relating to the Abysm and cold.

  • Frile Bars can also be bought from Ginztel for 50.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Frile BarFrile BarFurnaceFurnace
total: 1 row(s)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Moonflame LanternMoonflame LanternDemon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar
Lunar Veil/AuroranAuroranIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Auroran SeekerAuroran Seeker
Lunar Veil/Celestia Moon BreastplateCelestia Moon Breastplate
Lunar Veil/Celestia Moon HelmetCelestia Moon Helmet
Lunar Veil/Celestia Moon LeggingsCelestia Moon Leggings
Lunar Veil/Celestia Moon MaskCelestia Moon Mask
Lunar Veil/Daedia BreastplateDaedia Breastplate
Lunar Veil/Daedia MaskDaedia Mask
Lunar Veil/Daedia ThighsDaedia Thighs
Lunar Veil/EbistarEbistar
Lunar Veil/Gothiv CardGothiv Card
Lunar Veil/HeartspireHeartspire
Lunar Veil/Ice Cube MachineIce Cube Machine
Lunar Veil/Lovestruck BreastplateLovestruck Breastplate
Lunar Veil/Lovestruck CardLovestruck Card
Lunar Veil/Lovestruck MaskLovestruck Mask
Lunar Veil/Lovestruck ThighsLovestruck Thighs
Lunar Veil/Molted Crust BallsMolted Crust Balls
Lunar Veil/Mooning SlicerMooning Slicer
Lunar Veil/ParendineParendine
Lunar Veil/Pearlescent Ice BallsPearlescent Ice Balls
Lunar Veil/Spiderillas CrossbowSpiderillas Crossbow
Lunar Veil/Split-flame candleSplit-flame candle
Lunar Veil/Starring SkiesStarring Skies
Lunar Veil/SwingalingSwingaling
Lunar Veil/WindatudeWindatude
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz BreastplateDucanblitz BreastplateMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz CapDucanblitz Cap
Lunar Veil/Ducanblitz ThighsDucanblitz Thighs
Lunar Veil/Lantern Of A FallenLantern Of A Fallen
Lunar Veil/Larveid CardLarveid Card
Lunar Veil/Prismatic Cryadia BallsPrismatic Cryadia Balls
Lunar Veil/Xexterian HatXexterian Hat
Lunar Veil/Xexterian HeatplateXexterian Heatplate
Lunar Veil/Xexterian LeggingsXexterian Leggings
Lunar Veil/Advanced Brooches BackpackAdvanced Brooches BackpackLunar Veil/Rune and Brooch Jewelry StationRune and Brooch Jewelry Station
total: 37 row(s)


  • Like multiple other crafting materials, this item has the ability to be swung despite not having a purpose.