Fabled Scrap (Lunar Veil)

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Fabled Scrap
  • Fabled Scrap item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TooltipEssence of high Materials, used for making very neat weapons
Countains the power of Frile, Govheil and Fablia!
RarityRarity level: 0
Research1 required
 Obtained from

Fabled Scrap is a Pre-Hardmode Crafting material dropped by most Fable enemies and a few Bosses relating to the Fable and the Virulent. Fabled Scrap is useful throughout the mod for important weapons, armour, accessories and summoning items.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Govheil BreastplateGovheil BreastplateLunar Veil/Alcaology StationAlcaology Station
Lunar Veil/Govheil ChainplateGovheil Chainplate
Lunar Veil/Govheil HelmetGovheil Helmet
Lunar Veil/Govheil MaskGovheil Mask
Lunar Veil/Govheil ThighsGovheil Thighs
Lunar Veil/Heart of The Morrow and FableHeart of The Morrow and FableBy Hand
Lunar Veil/Wandering EssenceWandering Essence
Lunar Veil/Acidic LancherAcidic Lancher (300)Iron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Fabled ValswaFabled Valswa
Lunar Veil/Halhurish The FlamedHalhurish The Flamed
Lunar Veil/Irradiated Creeper StaffIrradiated Creeper Staff
Lunar Veil/Irradiated Great BladeIrradiated Great Blade
Lunar Veil/Irradieagle WrathIrradieagle Wrath
Lunar Veil/ScatterbombsScatterbombs
Lunar Veil/Sol Moth StaffSol Moth Staff
Lunar Veil/Staff of the IrradiaflareStaff of the Irradiaflare
Lunar Veil/VheilatineVheilatine
Lunar Veil/AlcanineAlcanineMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Clockwork CityClockwork City
Lunar Veil/Daeden ChestplateDaeden Chestplate
Lunar Veil/Daeden LegsDaeden Legs
Lunar Veil/Daeden MaskDaeden Mask
Lunar Veil/Grail AxeGrail Axe
Lunar Veil/Lantern Of A FallenLantern Of A Fallen
Lunar Veil/Picture Perfect IPicture Perfect I
Lunar Veil/Punked Up ChopsPunked Up Chops (250)
Lunar Veil/ReavestorReavestor
Lunar Veil/Gothivia's Holstering BroochGothivia's Holstering BroochLunar Veil/Rune and Brooch Jewelry StationRune and Brooch Jewelry Station
Lunar Veil/Rune Of WindRune Of Wind
Lunar Veil/Runic TableRunic Table
Lunar Veil/Fable KnivesFable Knives (50)Work BenchWork Bench
total: 31 row(s)


  • This item has a spelling mistake within the description: ‘ countains ’ instead of ‘ contains ’.