Contaminated Soul (Lunar Veil)

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Contaminated Soul
  • Contaminated Soul item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TooltipAn essence grafted of contamination..
RarityRarity level: 4
Research100 required
 Obtained from
Lunar Veil/Acid ProbeAcid Probe(In Hardmode only)0-5100%
Lunar Veil/Acid SlimeAcid Slime(In Hardmode only)0-5100%
Lunar Veil/Acid SpiritAcid Spirit(In Hardmode only)0-5100%
Lunar Veil/Toxic BoulderToxic Boulder(In Hardmode only)0-5100%
Lunar Veil/Irravheil SlimeIrravheil Slime(In Hardmode only)1-5100%
Lunar Veil/Irravheil LandwormIrravheil Landworm(In Hardmode only)1-5100%

Contaminated Soul is a Hardmode Crafting material dropped by a majority of Virulent enemies. Contaminated Souls are important throughout Hardmode due to their use in Cursed Shard and use in multiple useful weapons, armour and accessories.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lunar Veil/Completed Collectors BagCompleted Collectors BagLunar Veil/Alcaology StationAlcaology Station
Lunar Veil/Poisoned PowderPoisoned Powder
Lunar Veil/Heart of The Morrow and FableHeart of The Morrow and FableBy Hand
Lunar Veil/KaevineKaevineIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Lunar Veil/Comical TridentComical TridentMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Lunar Veil/Daeden ChestplateDaeden Chestplate
Lunar Veil/Daeden LegsDaeden Legs
Lunar Veil/Daeden MaskDaeden Mask
Lunar Veil/Golden Heart BallsGolden Heart Balls
Lunar Veil/Grailed CardGrailed Card
Lunar Veil/Metal AlloyMetal Alloy (250)
Lunar Veil/Mushy CardMushy Card
Lunar Veil/ReavestorReavestor
Lunar Veil/Spirit CapsuleSpirit Capsule
Lunar Veil/Stick Of WisdomStick Of Wisdom
Lunar Veil/Stynger CardStynger Card
Lunar Veil/The ButcherThe Butcher
Lunar Veil/The Dark ButcherThe Dark Butcher
Lunar Veil/World's CollideWorld's Collide
Lunar Veil/Radiant Brooches BackpackRadiant Brooches BackpackLunar Veil/Rune and Brooch Jewelry StationRune and Brooch Jewelry Station
Lunar Veil/Cursed ShardCursed ShardWork BenchWork Bench
total: 21 row(s)