BORDOC (Lunar Veil)

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BORDOCThe Blacksmith
BORDOC (Lunar Veil).png
Max Life200

A Blacksmith from the Govheil that left to the Fable during the Great Departure

BORDOC is a Town NPC added by the Lunar Veil Mod. He can be found inside the Fable after the Wall of Flesh is killed and Hardmode has started. He is required to be interacted with during Merena's questline due to him giving the Rotten Heart

Item Cost Availability

Archery PotionArchery Potion Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Spelunker PotionSpelunker Potion Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin Potion Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Ironskin PotionIronskin Potion Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Inferno PotionInferno Potion Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Fabled Chest KeyFabled Chest Key Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 1x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/StealiSteali Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 3x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Appretience HoodAppretience Hood Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 40x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Appretience BreastplateAppretience Breastplate Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 40x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Appretience PantsAppretience Pants Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 40x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Ulven HelmetUlven Helmet Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 45x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Ulven ChestplateUlven Chestplate Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 55x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Ulven GreavesUlven Greaves Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 35x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Govheil HelmetGovheil Helmet Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 45x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Govheil MaskGovheil Mask Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 45x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Govheil ChainplateGovheil Chainplate Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 35x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Govheil BreastplateGovheil Breastplate Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 35x Ruin Medal Always available.
Lunar Veil/Govheil ThighsGovheil Thighs Ruin Medal (Lunar Veil).png 25x Ruin Medal Always available.

Heart of the Morrow

Bordoc has a dialogue option called Heart of the Morrow in which BORDOC gives a Rotten Heart to the player.


  • Everyone always uses me but never asked how I'm able to talk..
  • I don't care I need to gamble
  • My armors are the best in the lands
  • Sirestias and Aimacra game by recently and they laughed at me because they thought my shop was useless
  • Im always feeling hot!
  • Heh, nobody is as good as me
  • Burning Burning, heat and heat
  • I'm inpenetrable
  • Damn we have some hot shit here
  • Only I know that Gothivia has so many barriers between her and the rest of the world, nobody will be able to kill her.
  • Those idiot gintze have made a horrible decision, now they can't use my armors I made for them.

Heart of the Morrow Dialogue

  • I want you to prove to me you're ready to obtain this, I've given you a broken core, if you restore its power, it's all yours. Show me your determination to be Gothivia's doll! You won't be the first to fail.. And maybe she'll come to thank you one day.