(Final Fantasy Distant Memories)

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EXP System

  • Players will earn exp for every enemy and boss they defeat. The EXP earned is based on their max HP.
  • Defeating a boss for the first time awards a large amount of bonus EXP as well.
  • The EXP bar and level up effect can both be toggled off.

Elemental System

  • Fixes and tweaks to the damage calcs

Enemy Types

  • Enemies can now be one of several types. These are: Beast, undead, flying, dragon, fiend, humanoid, machine, plant, flan, giant, aquatic, magical, insect, goblin
  • Scan will show what type they are
  • Some equipment will deal more damage / reduce damage from specific types

Item Tag System

  • Added icons to visually show what weapons belong to what weapon type. Ex: Broadsword, Axe, Katana, Flail, etc
  • This is just a visual change, so you can be sure of what effects work with what weapons
  • Character skills and stats:
  • Every character outfit will now give stats when equipped as a set
  • These stats increase as you level up
  • There is a hotkey for Active character skills, default is C. Passive skills always take effect without the hotkey

The following characters have skills

  • FF1 - Warrior of Light: Passive skill - all non-elemental Broadswords will deal Holy damage
  • FF2 - Firion: Passive skill - +5% speed with Broadswords, +5% crit with Shortswords, +5% damage with Spears
  • FF3 - Luneth: Passive skill - +15% damage with Broadswords, -15% damage with all other weapons
  • FF4 - Cid: Active skill - Scan, costs no MP to use. Passive skill - deals extra damage to all Machine type enemies
  • FF4 - Dark Cecil: Active skill - Darkness. Fires 3 waves of dark energy, damage based on equipped weapon, extra dmg with Broadswords. Drains 8% of your own HP.
  • FF4 - Kain: Active skill - Dragoon Dive. Dive down and bounce off of an enemy. Deals extra damage if holding a Spear.
  • FF4 - Rosa: Active skill - Aim. Grants a buff, next ranged attack has a 100% crit rate.
  • FF4 - Rydia: Passive skill - Reduced cooldown for all Espers and Eidolons (approx 30%)
  • FF6 - Celes: Active skill - Runic - Absorb one magic attack and regain Mana
  • FF6 - Cyan: Active skill - Bushido - Press hotkey to bring up the charge bar. Press again to use the specific attack. More attacks unlocked as you level
  • FF6 - Edgar: Active skill - Buff that gives +20% atk speed for all Tools, Autocrossbow gains a chance to not consume ammo
  • FF6 - Sabin: Active skill - Buff that gives +20% atk and +20 crit for Blitz skills
  • FF6 - Setzer: Active skill - Slots. Random effect based on the outcome of the slots
  • FF6 - Terra: Active skill - Morph. Morph into Esper Terra, duration based on max Mana. Gain 20% boost to Magic and Summon dmg, and movement buffs
  • FF6 - Umaro: Passive skill - Resistant to Ice damage
  • FF6 - Imperial Soldier, Cadet, Corporal, Sergeant: Passive skill - Deal extra damage with all of the Magitek Armor's attacks
  • FF6 - Banon: Active skill - Health. Heal yourself and any nearby ally for a small amount
  • FF6 - Vargas: Active skill - Give all Blitz skills a 100% crit rate in exchange for losing half of your current health
  • FFMQ - Benjamin: Active skill - Dragon claw, a grapping hook that can also harm enemies. Only has a cooldown if it strikes an enemy
  • FFMQ - Kaeli: Active skill - Giant's axe. Can attack enemies, can also fell a tree instantly
  • FFMQ - Phoebe: Passive skill - Cat's Claw. Can slowly slide down walls, this stacks with climbing claws and spike shoes
  • FFMQ - Reuben: Passive skill - Resistant to Fire damage, deal +10% more damage with Flails


  • 12 new types of arrows have been added, all obtained by crafting
  • For Blitz, Air Blade and Bum Rush have been added, unlocked through leveling
  • Bushido has moved to character skills rather than items
  • For Tools, Air Anchor and Debilitator have been added, unlocked through leveling
  • Many new character outfits have been added, totaling 80
  • Esper Terra is no longer a separate outfit, but a transformation effect for Terra
  • Added Green Cherry, Tent, and Warp Stone
  • Added Bomb, Grenade, and Moogle summon weapons
  • Added Phoenix, Palidor, and Odin summons
  • Added level 1 and 2 spells for all elements. (Stone, Dia, Wind, etc). Obtained through crafting or drops
  • Added several new weapons as loot from bosses
  • Added several new accessories as enemy drops
  • All Chocobo mounts except Gold are now obtainable in Pre-HM
  • Added a set of paintings obtained from the Traveling Merchant. He sells 1 random one at a time
  • Added relics and trophies for each boss
  • Added 1 new type of chest


  • Added Odin and Typhon bosses
  • Ultros, Shiva, Ifrit, Phantom Train have all had their AIs redone
  • Ramuh has had several attacks tweaked to make it more fair
  • Animations added to several bosses
  • Added Imperial Air Force event
  • Added several types of Chocobo critter that can be caught with a net, and used as pets
  • Changed some shop contents to be unlocked based on level rather than a boss fight
  • Tweaked health values of existing NPCs

Added the following enemies


  • Added several new music tracks
  • Added dozens of new SFX