Dread Shell

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Eternity mode icon.png
Eternity Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Eternity Mode.
Dread Shell
  • Dread Shell.png
  • Dread Shell equipped
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting material
TooltipGrants immunity to Anticoagulation
Grants immunity to knockback
Right Click to guard with your shield
Defense and damage reduction drastically decreased while and shortly after guarding
Guard Exactly as an attack touches you to parry and counter it on a very long cooldown
Parry blocks up to 200 damage
Counterattack deals massive damage and inflicts Anticoagulation
Absorb Anticoagulation blood clots to gain 30% increased damage
'It was a mistake to chum here'
RarityRarity Level: 6
Sell 4 Gold Coin.png
Dropped by
Parrying a Dart Trap with Dread Shell.

The Dread Shell is a Hardmode accessory exclusive to Eternity Mode. It has 20% chance to be dropped by Dreadnautilus. It grants the player immunity to knockback and the Anticoagulation debuff when equipped, and provides 2 defense.

While equipped, pressing the Open / Activate button will cause the character to brace for the next attack. While bracing and for 1 second after bracing, the player's defense is reduced by 40 and their damage reduction is reduced by 30%. When timed correctly in a 10 frame window, just before taking a hit, the enemy's attack will be parried. Parrying an enemy's attack will block up to 200 damage from the attack, cause Blood Spikes to erupt around the player, each dealing a base damage of 1000 which scales with the highest class damage boost, and inflicting Anticoagulation for 6 seconds. The parry has a 6 second cooldown. Enemies inflicted with Anticoagulation will emit blood shots that home in on the player. Touching the player gives the Blood Drinker buff for 6 seconds, which increases damage by 30%.


Used in


  • The parry window and cooldown can be changed by equipping Silver Enchantment to 0.33 seconds and 1.67 seconds respectively.


  • During the parry window, the character equipment has red coloring similar to Bloodbath Dye.


Fargo's Souls Mod:
Slime King's Slasher.png Weapons • Squeaky Toy.png Accessories • True Mutant Body.png Armor • Sands of Time.png Tools • Celestial Seal.png Consumables • Top Hat Squirrel.png Town NPCs • Mutant's Gift.png Eternity Mode • Forbidden Enchantment.png Guides