Calamity Entropy

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The Logo for the Calamity Entropy Mod
Welcome to the Calamity Entropy Wiki,
the comprehensive reference about Calamity Entropy written and maintained by the players.
Main Page Created by Constantine the Wyvern
Calamity Entropy
Icon (Calamity Entropy).png
Calamity Entropy is a content Expansion Mod for the Calamity Mod created by CLE_NSNighten (A.K.A. PolarisCLE, WarmurCle). It features three music tracks, two bosses, a new ore, various weapons, an armor set, and a few other basic items. The mod is not fully translated, but features English translations for most of its items and entities.
Contributors to the mod so far: CLE_NSNighten, ChaLost, Ahirith, 锯角Serrat Antler, and FRANCIUMKILLA
Latest Versions
Calamity Entropy
Friend Box (Calamity Entropy).png
Cruiser Map Icon (Calamity Entropy).png