Helpers (Calamity Community Remix)

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Helpers are interactive characters that provide commentary throughout the game. When a condition is fulfilled, such as a specific enemy spawning or obtaining an item, a helper will slide onscreen and talk. There are many dialogue box interactions, and most of them require clicking on the box to close the interaction.


Fanny the Flame is a helper that gives tips and trivia throughout the game and likely the first helper to be encountered. He is always on the bottom-right of your screen while your inventory is open and whenever he speaks. The default reply is "Thank you for the help, Fanny!".

Fanny first shows up when entering the world for the first time, but he does not immediately show up when entering a getfixedboi world for the first time.

Fanny Quotes


Passive quotes can occur anywhere at a random chance per second after a general condition is met.

  • Quote Chance Condition Unique Reply Effect Persistent
    Do you ever dream of me? 0.004% Player is sleeping
    Careful when exploring the Shroom Garden. I hear some rather large crustaceans make their home there. Wouldn't want to be turned into Delicious Meat! 0.278% Crabulon is defeated
    I don't mean to alarm you my friend, but it seems like something huge might have generated in your world! You might want to go investigate whatever caused that terrible racket. 0.004% The game will be frozen for 10 seconds while many tile-breaking noises play
    WHOA! Is that a reference to another of my favorite games????? 0.004%
    One time, I saw someone being dragged into a car by three men. The men took around 10 minutes and 23 seconds to subdue their victim, and 2 more minutes to drive away. I did nothing to stop it. 0.004%
    Hey! Uhh, I noticed you haven't blinked in a while. Maybe you should... 0.000015%
    You are now manually breathing. 0.004%
    Do a barrel roll on that thing you're riding! 0.06% Riding on a mount
  • Items

    Item quotes can occur when an item is obtained, crafted, or used.

  • Quote Condition Unique Reply Effect Persistent
    Hey! Take a look at this blueish-greenish-yellowish metal! Isn't it cool? It's called Thorium! That would be a great name for a mod! Thankfully, we're not in a game, so I can use it freely! When the player mines Thorium Ore from the Thorium Mod
  • Biomes

    Biome quotes primarily occur while residing in a specific biome.

  • Quote Biome Condition Unique Reply Effect Persistent
    This place is a lot more out of this world than when I was last here! Try breaking through walls to find the rare and precious Arsenic Ore which can be used for highly advanced robotics! Dungeon
    It's quite chilly here, maybe you should invest some time in gathering some cold-protective gear before you freeze to death! Snow Biome
    It's quite dark down here. You should go get some more torches before further exploration or you may fall into a pit full of lice! Cavern
    Woah, this place looks so cool and futuristic! It's almost like an entirely different dimension here! Granite Biome
    Marble? I LOVE playing with marbles! A few hundred years ago I was an avid marble collector, collecting marbles of various shapes, colors, and sizes. But, one day, I lost my marbles. Marble Biome
    I know a quick get rich quick scheme. See those Glowing Mushrooms? They sell for a lot! Go destroy that ecosystem for some quick cash! Glowing Mushroom Biome
    So many gemstones! Make sure to keep some Emeralds handy. Apparently a lot of people like to search for them to make crates for some reason! Gemstone Cave
    Did you know that the oldest animal ever identified was a clam? Unfortunately, the people who caught it accidentally froze it to death. Maybe you can find an older clam here in this Sunken Sea! Sunken Sea
    Welcome to hell! This place is flaming hot just like me, so you better get some gear to protect you against the heat! Underworld (Pre-Hardmode)
    You should consider throwing that item you're holding in Shimmer! You may get something powerful! Shimmer (Held item cannot be shimmered)
    A Fallen Star! Meteorite Biome
    Tired of this pesky abyss drowning you? I have an idea! If you go into the underworld and poke a hole at the bottom, all the water will drain out! No more pesky pressure! Abyss Layer 3
    Try looking for chests down here! I’ve heard there’s unique treasures to be found! A spelunker potion should help! Abyss Layer 2 (Infernum Mod is enabled)
    Try hunting the creatures for new weapons! Hunter, Battle and Zerg potions should help! Abyss Layer 2 (Infernum Mod is not enabled)
    It sure takes a while to get to the bottom of the Abyss... Maybe try using that teleporting thingamabob you have? Abyss (Have a Rod of Discord or Normality Relocator)
    Man, this place reminds me of when I volunteered to help run a jungle-themed summer fair at a local elementary school! Long story short, everyone fainted due to dehydration. Not the plague. At least, that’s what I think. Plagued Jungle
    I love house invasion! Jungle Temple Me too Fanny!
    Aw man, there's so many booby traps in here! Try using that fancy gadget of yours to disable them! Jungle Temple (Have a Wire Cutter, Multicolor Wrench, or The Grand Design)
    If you kill enough Meteor Heads, you might be able to get the Divine Intervention! Meteorite Biome (Catalyst Mod is enabled)
    Your air bubbles are disappearing at an alarming rate, you should set up an air pocket, and fast! Abyss (Breath meter is depleted)
    I’ve heard word that there’s incredible treasures in the mysterious depths of the ocean, the one past the jungle! Jungle (10% chance every second after Skeletron is defeated)
    Ah the good ol' Sulphurous Sea. Just take a breathe of the fresh air here! If you see any tiny light green lights, you should use a Bug Net on it to get a fancy light pet. Sulphurous Sea
    Smashing demon altars is no longer guaranteed to bless your world with ores. But it’s still worth a shot! Corruption/Crimson (Hardmode, Calamity Hardmode Rework is enabled, and not in the Underworld)
    Have you ever heard of gars? They're a neat fish group that you can rip open for valuable loot. One species of gar is the Side Gar, which can be fished up in sky lakes! Space (Moon Lord is defeated)
    Now why did that ghost thing cause the ocean to go all crazy? Who knows! But what I do know is that the gars in the Abyss have started mutating. You should try fishing up some gars from the Sulphurous Sea and see if you can extract them for something useful. Sulphurous Sea (Polterghast is defeated)
    Trying to get a Starbuster Core? Lately those culex things have been hardening up! The only way to force their cores out of them is by running a Unicorn into them! Underground Astral Infection (Astrum Aureus is defeated, having 2 or more minion slots)
    A smart one ey? Unfortunately, only hostile Unicorns are able to break those astral batties open. Underground Astral Infection (Astrum Aureus is defeated, having 2 or more minion slots)
    Woah, is that a snow shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It gave you a really cool item that you'll use forever I think? Ice Biome (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that a desert shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It gave you a tile-matching game called Luxor I think? Underground Desert (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that a corruption shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It caused pebbles to rain from the sky I think? Underground Corruption (0.05% chance every second if the world generated with Corruption)
    Woah, is that a crimson shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It caused pebbles to rain from the sky I think? Underground Crimson (0.05% chance every second if the world generated with Crimson)
    Woah, is that an underground shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It caused you to gain defense while standing still I think? Underground (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that a hallow shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! No seriously, it's the only thing exclusive to the Hallow! Underground Hallow (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that an astral shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It summoned a large mimic I think? Astral Infection (0.05% chance every second within the Cavern layer)
    Woah, is that a granite shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It caused sparks to fly out of enemies when hit I think? Granite Biome (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that a marble shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It summoned cool orbital swords I think? Marble Biome (0.05% chance every second)
    Woah, is that a mushroom shrine? You better go loot it for its one-of-a-kind treasure! It imbued true melee weapons with fungi I think? Glowing Mushroom Biome (0.05% chance every second)
    Hey there, adventurer! Have you heard about the Essence of Babil? It's this amazing crafting material that drops from certain jungle creatures. Let me give you some tips on how to find it! Jungle (Hardmode) Umm, Essence of Babil?
    Oh you sweet summer child! The Essence of Babil is this incredible, mystical substance you can gather from jungle enemies. It's a key ingredient for crafting some seriously awesome gear. You should definitely try to collect it! Huh, okay. So, where do I find it?
    Seriously? I just told you, it drops from jungle creatures. You know, those critters lurking around in the jungle biome? Go hunt them down, and you might get your hands on some Essence of Babil! Jungle creatures... got it!
  • NPCs

    NPC quotes primarily occur while a NPC is spawned in, alive, or has been defeated.


    Boss quotes primarily occur while a boss is spawned in, alive, or has been defeated.

  • Quote Boss Condition Unique Reply Effect Persistent
    Fossilized tree bark!? In the Jungle's mud!? That sounds disgusting! I'll send over some gars to clean it up for you my friend. But, if you ever want some of that stuff for whatever reason, just go fish for some gars in the Jungle! Providence, the Profaned Goddess defeated
  • Miscellaneous

    Miscellaneous quotes have many conditions or conditions that do not fit any category.

  • Quote Condition Unique Reply Effect Persistent
    Hey there friend! I noticed your jumps were a little too weak, so I added a bit of my Fanny-spice and now you can jump TWO times! I hope you enjoy this! Using the default double jump 20 or more times Thanks Fanny! I will enjoy my new jumps!
    It looks like you're low on health. If your health reaches 0, you'll die. To combat this, don't let your health reach 0! Player's life is below 1/4 of max life Thanks Fanny! I'll heal.
    Where did you go? Player is invisible, using Shroomite Armor's set bonus, using Vortex Armor's set bonus, or player has maximum stealth I'm still here Fanny!
    Fun fact. The human head can still be conscious after decapitation for the average of 20 seconds. Player is in a dark area
    Is that someone behind you...? Player is attacked by the Constant darkness
    Looks like you've been cursed! If you spam Left Click, you'll be able to use items again sooner! Player is cursed
    It appears you're approaching the Dungeon. Normally this place is guarded by vicious guardians, but I've disabled them for you my dear friend. Standing within ~44 blocks of the Dungeon's entrance
    Are you trying to find some Dubious Plating? I'm afraid that the stocks for them have plummeted and all existing plating was turned into scrap metal to be dumped in the Dungeon, so try looking there! The player is looking inside a Security Chest
    In a remote location underground, there is a second strain of Astral Infection. If left unattended for too long, it can start spreading and dealing irreversible damage! Stay safe and happy hunting! Meld Gunk is able to spread to a new tile
    Look at all that gunk! I'm pretty sure it's impossible to break it, so the best solution I can give is to assure it doesn't spread further by digging around it. 22 Meld Gunk tiles nearby and Wrath of the Gods mod is not enabled
    Look at all that gunk! I'm pretty sure it's impossible to break it, well, maybe if you got some powerful spray bottle, but that might take a while, so the best solution I can give is to assure it doesn't spread further by digging around it. 22 Meld Gunk tiles nearby and Wrath of the Gods mod is enabled
  • Evil Fanny

    Evil Fanny is the counterpart to Fanny introduced in Hardmode or upon first joining a getfixedboi world. She is also an interactive guide that gives tips and trivia throughout the game. In contrast to Fanny, she is always on the bottom-left of your screen whenever she speaks. Similar to Fanny, Evil Fanny will slide onto the screen and talk when a condition is fulfilled. The default reply is "Get away, Evil Fanny!".

    Evil Fanny Quotes

    Calamity Community Remix/Evil Fanny Quotes


    • Fanny and Evil Fanny's designs are based off of the old Fandom Wiki logo.
    • Many of Fanny's quotes references different media such as other mods and even other video games.