Game Changes (Calamity Community Remix)

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Calamity: Community Remix makes a variety of changes to both the base game and the Calamity Mod.

Changes will be organized based on its ability to be configured or reverted.

  • Anomaly 109 Changes can be toggled by the Anomaly 109 item through its menu.
  • Ordinary Changes are usually world generation or features that can be modified through internal gameplay methods or the mod's configuration.
  • Unmodifiable Changes cannot be reverted by any conventional means except through editing the mod source, the localization files, or another mod.

Anomaly 109 Changes


  • Many items have their visual appearances and effects changed.
  • Cosmilite Bars are tiershifted to directly after defeating the Moon Lord
    • All items made with just Cosmilite Bars now have the Rarity level: 11 rarity
    • Weapons made with just Cosmilite Bars have their damage decreased by 30%.
    • The Devourer of Gods no longer drops Cosmilite Bars, bars are now crafted using Cosmilite Slag which generates on planetoids after defeating the Moon Lord.
  • Enchanted Swords start off as Disenchanted Swords which cannot fire any projectiles. After defeating The Hive Mind/The Perforators, the sword is automatically turned into an Enchanted Sword.
  • Hive Tumors and Perforator Cysts now drop Demonite Ore/Crimtane Ore upon being killed. Both of their respective bosses are now summoned by dropping Shadow Scales/Tissue Samples onto Grimesand.
  • Fearmonger armor changes:
    • No longer craftable.
    • Now obtained by having enemies walk over Grimesand at a 10% chance per piece.
    • Defense values decreased to 18 total.
    • Sell values decreased to 36 total.
    • All pieces now have the Rarity level: 1 rarity.
    • The following effects are added on top of the armor's existing effects:
      • Maximum mana is reduced by 60.
      • Maximum health is reduced by 100.
      • Summoner damage is decreased by 20%.
      • All other damage is decreased by 25% while a minion is active.
      • The Panic Necklace effect is disabled.
      • The player's eye glows.
    • The following effects replace the armor's existing effects:
      • Life regeneration is increased by 2.
      • Max minions are increased by 1.
  • Galactica Singularities are no longer craftable. They are now obtained by opening Side Gars which are fished from Space in Godseeker Mode.
  • All permanent health and mana upgrades have had their recipes removed with new obtainment methods added:
  • All Rogue javelins are now swung like spears, with the spear hitbox being able to deal damage.
  • Seafood can no longer be used to summon the Aquatic Scourge. It is now summoned by throwing 22 Chum Buckets into the Sulphurous Sea.
  • The Starbuster Core is now obtained by getting a Unicorn and Stellar Culex to touch each other, dropping the item upon collision and killing both.
  • Uelibloom Ore no longer generates. It is now obtained by opening Rear Gars which are fished from the underground Jungle after defeating Providence.


  • Many enemies and bosses have their visual appearances and effects changed.
  • Certain entities will have the names changed.
  • Specific bosses send new dialog through the game chat.
  • If Duke Fishron exits the horizontal world border, the Baron Strait biome is generated, covering that side of the world's ocean.
  • Killing Golem for the first time generates the Plagued Jungle.
  • The Plaguebringer Goliath enrages and spews out rockets everywhere constantly if brought outside of the Plagued Jungle.
  • Killing Ravager for the first time generates Life Hearts across the caverns.
  • Reaper Sharks no longer drop Reaper Teeth, they are now obtained by opening Front Gars which can be fished from the Sulphurous Sea after defeating Polterghast.
  • Upon reaching 50% health in pre-Hardmode, the Wall of Flesh turns into a Fleshmullet. Killing the Fleshmullet activates all usual effects from killing the Wall of Flesh.
  • Astral and Hallowed Shrines as well as the Cavern Strain generate upon entering Hardmode.


  • An extra double jump is given that is prioritized before every other double jump.
  • Dyes give the player bonus stats.

Ordinary Changes

World Generation

  • The Dungeon's entire structure is replaced by Stratus Bricks and dungeon bricks of different types cover them in random splotches.

Unmodifiable Changes




  • A glass breaking sound plays when dying in the Get fixed boi seed.
  • The sun during a Post-Devourer of Gods Solar Eclipse has its texture changed.
  • Opening the wrong Wiki blasts the player with a warning until they leave the Wiki.