Biomes (Calamity Community Remix)
The Calamity Calamity Community Remix adds several new biomes and structures to the game, each with unique blocks, enemies, and collectibles.
Plagued Jungle
The Plagued Jungle is a biome which infects a large portion of the Jungle the moment Golem is defeated for the first time. It is made of Plague-themed versions of Jungle blocks and spawns Plagued versions of Jungle enemies as well as a few new enemies. The Plaguebringer Goliath must be fought here.
Baron Strait
The Baron Strait is a biome which generates in the event that Duke Fishron exits the horizontal world border, covering the entire ocean up to Space on that side of the world. The biome consists of a series of caverns made of unique blocks, along with towers of Tanzenite Glass and pockets of Baron Brine. The only exclusive NPC to this biome are Baroncrabs, which harmlessly wander the caves. None of the biome's content serves any functional purpose nor can be used in any recipes besides converting blocks to walls and back.
Astral Blight
If the Calamity's Vanities mod is enabled, half of the Astral Infection will be converted into Calamity's Vanities' normally player-exclusive Astral Blight biome.
Asbestos Caves
Asbestos Caves are a type of Cavern minibiome similar to Granite and Marble caves. They are large, mostly open spaces with rough walls made of Asbestos Blocks. Each Asbestos Cave typically contains one or two Wood houses filled with Asbestos Blocks and Cobwebs as well as a Web Covered Chest containing a large amount of Asbestos Blocks. Breaking the Wood Walls backing these houses has a chance to spawn the Carcinogen boss.
Cavern Strain
The Cavern Strain is a patch of Astral Infection which generates in a random location deep in the Caverns. In the center of the strain is a large chunk of unbreakable Meld Gunk. After 20 real minutes have passed, the strain will start very very slowly spreading, with older Astral blocks turning into Meld Gunk. If the player wishes to conserve as much of their world as possible, it is important that they locate the strain and contain it before it spreads too much.
Life Heart
Life Hearts are gigantic patches of Life Ore which generate in the Caverns after defeating Ravager for the first time. Life Slimes spawn near these veins and act as guardians for it.
Origen Workshop
The Origen Workshop is a small building found in the surface Snow biome. It contains an Ice Machine, Heavy Work Bench, and a Trapped Frozen Chest. Attempting to open the chest will trigger the nearby unbreakable Door of Origen, which summons the Origen boss.
Ion Altar
The Ion Altar is a pile of scrap found within a random location in the Sulphurous Sea. On top of the altar is an Ion Cube with the Plastic Oracle attached to it. The Plastic Oracle will offer a series of quests the player must complete if they want to fight the Ionogen boss.
Stratus Dungeon
The Stratus Dungeon is a structure which replaces the Dungeon on world generation. It is mostly composed of Stratus Bricks and furniture, but also has clusters of normal Dungeon bricks and walls within it. Unlike the normal Dungeon, the player may enter the Stratus Dungeon at any point in time without worrying about Dungeon Guardians, and can freely open the normally locked Gold Chests.
Hall of Legends
The Hall of Legends is a structure which spawns below the giant living mahogany tree. Its structure is composed of Titanstone Blocks and painting of the various "legends" displayed proudly with their names.
Calamity Community Remix introduces two new Shrines which generate within the Astral Infection and Hallow shortly after they initially generate. Like other shrines, they contain a single chest with a unique item and a few potions.
Frozen Stronghold
The Frozen Stronghold is a large castle structure which generates on the surface of the Snow biome. The structure's walls are made of Cryonic and Frostflake Bricks which are unbreakable until Hardmode. The structure contains several unique enemies, a pair of Ice Chests containing various cold-themed items, and a pair of Altar of the Ablesseds.
Hydrogen Chamber
The Hydrogen Chamber is a ring of Rusted Pipes which generates inside of the Sunken Sea's central geode. Inside of the ring is the Hydrogen boss, which remains dormant unless provoked by throwing an explosive at it.
The Ancient Console
The Ancient Console is a ruined house which generates within the Brimstone Crag. It mostly acts the same as other ruined houses within the Brimstone Crag with the exception of its altar being replaced with an Ancient Console, which acts as a crafting station for Molten Matter which itself summons the Pyrogen boss.