Oblivion Altar (Aequus)

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Biome Banner Gore Nest (Aequus).png
Oblivion Altar
  • Oblivion Altar item sprite
  • Oblivion Altar placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Dimensions3 × 3
Use time10 (Very fast)
TooltipMay upgrade evil weapons
Counts as a demon/crimson altar
RarityRarity level: 4
Buy / Sell150 / 50
Research1 required
 Obtained from
Wall of FleshWall of Flesh(Demon Siege has not been completed)1100%

This mound of meat serves as none other than a gateway to Oblivion! Be careful where you place it, my friend...


The Oblivion Altar is an Underworld mini-biome added by Aequus. It consists of a mound of ash, occasionally covered in Lava, with several spike decorations, Ash Tombstones, and the Oblivion Altar tile itself. Oblivion Altars usually generate in the outer thirds of the world, however they more specifically spawn in areas where there's an 100x100 cube which doesn't contain any Obsidian Brick or Hellstone Brick placed down. The Oblivion Altar can be destroyed with a hammers in Hardmode; however in Pre-Hardmode it or the blocks it stands on cannot be mined at all. Oblivion Altars are also sold by the Occultist and dropped by the Wall of Flesh if you have not completed the Demon Siege yet.

An artificial Oblivion Altar biome can be formed by placing a single Oblivion Altar.

Right clicking on the Oblivion Altar with specific items will begin the Demon Siege event. During the event, the Oblivion Altar and the blocks it stands on cannot be mined.

Aequus/Oblivion AltarOblivion Altar
Characters Unique Drops

From terrain:

Aequus/Oblivion AltarOblivion Altar
Aequus/Oblivion ChestOblivion Chest
Aequus/Ash TombstonesAsh Tombstones

From Oblivion Chests:

Light's BaneLight's Bane
Blood ButchererBlood Butcherer

* Only showing main items for brevity's
sake; see the Chests page for a full list

From fishing in lava:

Aequus/Gore FishGore Fish(Legendary Fish)


Used to craft

The Oblivion Altar also functions as a Demon Altar and can craft all items which require one. Demon Altar recipes are crafted traditionally, while recipes which require the Oblivion Altar are crafted through the Demon Siege.

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Aequus/Bombarder RodBombarder RodAequus/Oblivion AltarOblivion Altar
Aequus/Brainwave StaffBrainwave Staff
Aequus/Death's EmbraceDeath's Embrace
Aequus/Hama YumiHama Yumi
Aequus/Hell's BoonHell's Boon
Aequus/Piranha PotPiranha Pot
Aequus/Rabbit's FootRabbit's Foot
total: 10 row(s)


  • It is heavily based on the Gore Nest from DOOM (2016), being fleshy constructs that summon a horde of demons to fight off when interacted with. However, its Aequus incarnation is not destroyed when interacted with and can be used as much as the player desires, and also upgrades items unlike the original version simply serving as a roadblock.