Meathook (Aequus)

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  • Meathook item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Knockback0 (No knockback)
TooltipAllows you to grapple to enemies
RarityRarity level: 4
Buy / Sell10 / 2

The Meathook is a pre-Hardmode hook sold by the Occultist for 10. If the grappling hook hits an enemy, it will deal damage and begin pulling you towards the enemy. When you are close enough, you are given a few immune frames, normally allowing you to pass through the enemy.

Hook Stats

  • Reach: 30
  • Velocity: 14
  • Pull Speed: 10 (13 when hooked to an enemy)
  • Return Speed: 12
  • Hooks: 1
  • Latching: Single