Coconut Crab (Aequus)

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Coconut Crab
Coconut Crab (Aequus).png
AI TypeCoconut Crab AI
Damage50 / 100 / 150
Max Life75 / 150 / 225
KB Resist90%
Inflicts DebuffAequus/Pick BreakPick Break
Duration18 seconds
Debuff tooltipYour mining power is halved
BannerAequus/Coconut Crab BannerCoconut Crab Banner

Its thick brown shell both disguises it as an ordinary coconut and defends it from predators. It hides in plain sight, dropping out to fall onto anyone standing in the wrong spot.

BestiaryBestiary (Coconut Crab)

Coconut Crabs are a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawn in the Crab Crevice. They initially behave similarly to basic fighter AI enemies, walking and jumping towards the player to deal damage on contact. However, when taking damage they may curl up into their shell and attempt to fling themselves in the direction of the player, becoming a spherical entity that can roll around on tiles. Its launch force is stronger horizontally than vertically, so staying above them is recommended.

In Expert Mode, they will inflict 18 seconds of Pick Break on hit.