Chests (Aequus)

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Aequus adds a plethora of chest loot for chests generated by vanilla and Aequus itself. Almost all new loot added by Aequus will not remove existing loot, instead shifting all other existing items to the next item slot.


Bestiary Underground.png Underground & Bestiary Caverns.png Caverns

Item Amount Notes
Aequus/BellowsBellows 1
Aequus/Glow BeaconGlow Beacon 1 • Can only spawn in chests which have Torches or Glowsticks inside when originally generated, replacing them with the Glow Beacon
• Spawns in any chest underground excluding Sandstone Chests, Locked Gold Chests, Biome Chests, Shadow Chests, Ivy Chests, and Custom Chests added by other mods
Aequus/Sword CursorSword Cursor 1

Bestiary Snow.png Ice Biome

Item Amount
Aequus/Crystal DaggerCrystal Dagger 1

Bestiary Sky.png Floating Islands

Item Amount
Aequus/SlingshotSlingshot 1

Bestiary The Dungeon.png Dungeon

Item Amount
Aequus/ValariValari 1
Aequus/RevenantRevenant 1
Aequus/Pandora's BoxPandora's Box 1


Rock Man (Aequus).png Rock Man

In the Underground layer, above the Caverns layer, ocassionally spawns a patch of Underground Forest which contains a Locked Gold ChestLocked Gold Chest. Inside will only contain Rock Man.

Crab Crevice (Aequus).png Crab Crevice

Chests in the Crab Crevice appear as Palm Wood ChestPalm Wood Chests.


Item Amount
Aequus/Star PhishStar Phish 1
Aequus/Davy Jones's AnchorDavy Jones's Anchor 1
Aequus/Breath ConserverBreath Conserver 1


Item Amount
Aequus/Fool's Gold RingFool's Gold Ring 1
TridentTrident 1
Inner TubeInner Tube 1
Water Walking BootsWater Walking Boots 1
Breathing ReedBreathing Reed 1


Item Amount
Can Of WormsCan Of Worms 1
Apprentice BaitApprentice Bait 2 - 6
Journeyman BaitJourneyman Bait 1 - 3


Item Amount Notes
Palm WoodPalm Wood 15 - 250 • This is the only misc loot generated if the chest spawns above the Surface layer
Diving HelmetDiving Helmet 1
Beach BallBeach Ball 1
Jellyfish NecklaceJellyfish Necklace 1

Oblivion Altar Oblivion Altar

Chests near the Oblivion Altar are Oblivion Chest (Aequus).png Oblivion Chests.

The primary item will be given a special name, which would look like: "<Name>'s Sword of Darkness"

A list of names which can be used by the primary item is here.

Item Amount Notes
Light's BaneLight's Bane 1 • Only in Crimson Worlds
Blood ButchererBlood Butcherer 1 • Only in Corruption Worlds


Item Amount Notes
Silver PickaxeSilver Pickaxe
Tungsten PickaxeTungsten Pickaxe
Gold PickaxeGold Pickaxe
Platinum PickaxePlatinum Pickaxe
1 Type of pickaxe chosen does not depend on the World's ores
Silver AxeSilver Axe
Tungsten AxeTungsten Axe
Gold AxeGold Axe
Platinum AxePlatinum Axe
1 Type of axe chosen does not depend on the World's ores
Silver HammerSilver Hammer
Tungsten HammerTungsten Hammer
Gold HammerGold Hammer
Platinum HammerPlatinum Hammer
1 Type of hammer chosen does not depend on the World's ores
Obsidian SkullObsidian Skull 1
Magic MirrorMagic Mirror 1
Star StatueStar Statue
Heart StatueHeart Statue
Angel StatueAngel Statue

Primary Item Names

  • Dylan
  • Starlight
  • Gerd
  • Triangle
  • Fry
  • Spectra
  • Square
  • Terra
  • Chill
  • Bubby
  • Someone