Wandering Samurai (AFK Pets and more)

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Wandering Samurai
Wandering Samurai (AFK Pets and more).png
Wandering Samurai(AFKPets).png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Wandering Samurai
(Kasa Obake)
AI TypeFlying AI

The Wandering Samurai is an Travelling NPC vendor that has a chance to spawn on the Surface at Night after Okiku has been killed.

When Threatened, the Wandering Samurai will "Transform" into a giant Kasa-Obake (The Obake will be summoned to home onto enemies to attack, while the true Wandering Samurai will become transparent, immune to attacks). The Wandering Samurai can still be interacted with while in this state.

They sell mostly an assortment of items inspired by East Asian culture, mythology or games.

Items sold

Item Cost Availability
AFK Pets and more/Sealing TalismanSealing Talisman 30 Always Available.
Dynasty WoodDynasty Wood 75 Always Available.
Red Dynasty ShinglesRed Dynasty Shingles 75 50% chance.
Blue Dynasty ShinglesBlue Dynasty Shingles 75 50% chance.
AFK Pets and more/Donation BoxDonation Box 6
AFK Pets and more/Sculptor's IdolSculptor's Idol 15
SakeSake 750
PhoPho 11250
Pad ThaiPad Thai 8250
AFK Pets and more/SojuSoju 30
AFK Pets and more/Vita PowerVita Power 2250
KimonoKimono 150
GiGi 150
AFK Pets and more/Glass Yokai EyeGlass Yokai Eye 630
AFK Pets and more/Pink MustachePink Mustache 525
AFK Pets and more/Number One HeadbandNumber One Headband 750
AFK Pets and more/Origami CraneOrigami Crane 750
AFK Pets and more/White LotusWhite Lotus 450
KatanaKatana 15
AFK Pets and more/KunaiKunai 30
AFK Pets and more/JutteJutte 1125 Always Available first encounter, Common Chance afterwards.
AFK Pets and more/Gak-gungGak-gung 33750 Always Available first encounter, Common Chance afterwards.
AFK Pets and more/Forlorn BloomForlorn Bloom 2250 Always Available first encounter, Common Chance afterwards.
AFK Pets and more/Para-soulPara-soul 450 Always Available first encounter, Common Chance afterwards.
AFK Pets and more/Teru Teru BozoTeru Teru Bozo 150 Chance After Defeating World Evil.
AFK Pets and more/NihongoNihongo 150 Chance After Defeating World Evil.
AFK Pets and more/Camila's MugCamila's Mug 2250 Chance After Defeating Isaac.
AFK Pets and more/Fujin's BreezeFujin's Breeze 150 Chance After Defeating Royal Harpy Air Force.
AFK Pets and more/Slimy TacticsSlimy Tactics 2250 Chance After Defeating Slime's Last Hope.
AFK Pets and more/Tamahagane ShurikenTamahagane Shuriken 38 Hardmode.
AFK Pets and more/Rejuvination GourdRejuvination Gourd 2250 Hardmode.
AFK Pets and more/AkitanagiAkitanagi 33 Chance After Defeating Plantera.
TabiTabi 2250 Chance After Defeating Plantera.
Black BeltBlack Belt 2250 Chance After Defeating Plantera.
IdolIdol 3 Chance After Defeating Golem.
AFK Pets and more/Eastern SoupEastern Soup 120 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Charred SeedCharred Seed 120 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Green PhoneGreen Phone 255 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Hex BlockHex Block 150 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Sufi FezSufi Fez 12 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Delusion of ButterfliesDelusion of Butterflies 3750 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Phantom ResonatorPhantom Resonator 15 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Festive PlantFestive Plant 120 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Potted Giant FungiPotted Giant Fungi 15 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Decorative Padoru StatueDecorative Padoru Statue 3 n/a
AFK Pets and more/Peaceful MaskPeaceful Mask 30 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Peaceful CostumePeaceful Costume 30 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Peaceful PantsPeaceful Pants 750 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Faithful HeartFaithful Heart 15 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Peaceful MaskPeaceful Mask 30 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Dark Prince's MaskDark Prince's Mask 30 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Dark Prince's CostumeDark Prince's Costume 30 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Dark Prince's LeggingsDark Prince's Leggings 750 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Buffed MaskBuffed Mask 750 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Buffed CostumeBuffed Costume 750 n/a (but rare)
AFK Pets and more/Buffed ShoesBuffed Shoes 750 n/a (but rare)


The Wandering Samurai may have any of the following names:

  • Akahana
  • Akiara
  • Chuya
  • Kiko
  • Masami
  • Mio


  • The Wandering Samurai can be a great tool for fighting nighttime bosses, due to being invulnerable and dealing decent damage.


  • The Wandering Samurai's inspiration is a reference to Kogasa Tatara, a Humanoid Kasa-Obake from the Touhou Project who also carries a Umbrella similar in shape.